The secondary market
as an opportunity

Actyus Secondary Fund

Actyus Secondary Fund FCR is a private equity programme focused on the secondary market which gives people the chance to invest in the main global strategies and managers in an efficient and diversified manner alongside Arcano, a leading alternative asset manager.

€50 million and two strategies

With a target size of €50 million, Actyus Secondary Fund invests with a two-fold strategy: in secondaries and co-investments, mainly in the United States and Europe.

Diversification at attractive prices

Investment in leading global strategies and managers at attractive prices.

Partnership with Arcano

A manager and dedicated team with far-reaching experience in private equity.

One of the leading global private equity secondary fund managers in terms of cumulative profitability and the consistency of the funds raised between 2008 and 2017 (HEC Paris Dow Jones ranking).

Investment programme

Small and complex secondary transactions

Direct investments in companies with resilient business models

Balanced portfolio focused on the mid-market

Geographical and sectoral focus

Attractive risk/return profile